Too fast. Too loud. Too busy. The world we live in can be a little too much. RisEau helps you rise above the noise - with 20 mg of CBD, natural fruit flavors, and only 5 calories. No high, no caffeine, no hangover, consider it your all-natural and absolutely delicious reset button.

RisEau is the perfect mix of two naturally-occurring ingredients our bodies know and love, a cannabinoid (CBD) and eau (French for water). It’s also the perfect mix of two great family companies.
Two Brothers, legendary craft brew artisans for over 25 years, contribute their decades of experience brewing exceptional beverages that bring people together.
NuEra, one of the original innovators of the legal cannabis industry in Illinois, brings its passion for cannabis products that break stigmas and unleash the powers of the cannabis plant in safe, high-quality products.
What is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol, the second most abundant active compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its wilder cousin THC, CBD does not make you high. All of our CBD is 100% hemp-derived, from the same plant that is often used to make fabrics and ropes.
RisEau is made with a pure, stable, and totally tasteless emulsion of CBD that lets our natural flavors shine.
What does CBD do?
We could talk your head off about CBD, but let's let the experts do the talking. According to Harvard Medical School, "CBD does not get you high", and "[y]ou may feel mellow, experience less pain, and be more comfortable."
It’s the kind of thing you can have in the morning, to start the day on the right foot… in the early afternoon, for a little mental clarity to replace your post-lunch coffee, in the evening with friends, to relax and unwind, or right before bed… a little ritual to put on your mind’s pajamas before a great night of sleep.
How much CBD is in a can of RisEau?
How the heck do you pronounce RisEau?
RisEau comes from the combination of the word Rise (because of how this magical drink makes us feel) and Eau, the French word for water. So don your most stylish beret and put on Parisian airs before you pronounce RisEau exactly the way it makes you feel: Rise. Ohhhh.
Why drink your CBD?
RisEau is made with a water soluble emulsion that is very easy for your body to absorb. In short, you’ll feel the effects much sooner than you would via other common CBD products like gummies. But most importantly, RisEau is delicious, and can help you fit CBD into your social rituals: grab a can to go with a little walk after lunch, or mix it with your favorite herbs, citrus or some smashed berries and turn it into a gorgeous alcohol-free cocktail, a perfect little grown-up social indulgence without the calories or hangover.
Is RisEau gluten free, caffeine free, and free of artificial flavors?
Yes, and yes, and yes. You're welcome.